5 Grammatically Questionable Tattoos

Ever make an embarrassing grammatical mistake that other people judged you for? Of course you have; we’ve all made grammatical errors at some point. Now, imagine being stuck with one of those mistakes for the rest of your life. Believe it or not, people get misspelled or grammatically incorrect tattoos more often than you could imagine. Continue reading “5 Grammatically Questionable Tattoos”

Got a Problem With Passive Voice? These 7 Sentences Will Help

By Akmal Akbarov

Do you have a problem with the passive voice? Do you know the difference between the passive and active voices?

Well, you don’t have to worry any longer because I have created this article just for you.

If you scroll down, you will see that I have taken one sentence and showed you how to write it in both the active and passive voices. Continue reading “Got a Problem With Passive Voice? These 7 Sentences Will Help”

Labeled or Labelled—Which Is Correct?

  • Labeled and labelled are both correct spellings.
  • Labeled is the preferred spelling in American English.
  • Labelled is the preferred spelling in British English.

How should you spell the past tense of the verb label? After adding the -ed ending, should you double the L? Speakers of American English might answer differently than speakers of British English. Continue reading “Labeled or Labelled—Which Is Correct?”

Learn Your Homophones: Pear, Pair, and Pare

Pair: two of something, usually that are similar or go together. For example:

I’m going to buy a new pair of shoes.

Johnny and Sally make a cute pair.

Pear: a fruit. For example:

Rufus is eating an apple, and I am eating a pear.

The pear was ripe and juicy.

Pare: trim (something) by cutting away its outer edges; cut the skin off of something; reduce (something) in size, extent, quantity, or number, usually in a number of small successive stages. Continue reading “Learn Your Homophones: Pear, Pair, and Pare”